Catholic books for theologians and Christian leaders

publications that engage and advance the scholarly discussion on theological topics

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A new press, scholarly and Catholic

Saint Paul Seminary Press launched in 2021, building upon The Saint Paul Seminary's Catholic Theological Formation Series. Since then, nine new books and three reprints have been published. These aim to contribute constructively to theological dialogue and to equip Church leaders desiring to deepen their understanding of the faith.


Saint Paul Seminary Press arrives at an opportune moment. The biblical and patristic movements that enlivened the best Ressourcement theology are poised for a comeback among the present generation of priests, scholars, and seminarians. This theological endeavor is constructive rather than nostalgic, since the truth of the Gospel is ever new.


Matthew Levering
James N. and Mary D. Perry Chair of Theology
Mundelein Seminary

In this time of unprecedented confusion and uncertainty, Saint Paul Seminary Press provides solid content from expert Catholic thinkers whose writings can be utilized to instruct the ignorant, counsel the doubtful, and bring to light those in darkness. This exciting and providential initiative will bless many Catholics as they journey in faith.

Kelly Anderson

Kelly Anderson
Associate Professor, Chair of the Scripture Department
Saint Charles Borromeo Seminary

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